Money money money

Shannon, AP:

Former congressman Chris Bell, who's competing against former court justice Bob Gammage in the March 7 Democratic gubernatorial primary, raised $356,422 in the six-month period that ended Dec. 31 and had $165,444 in cash on hand.

Gammage, who formally entered the race in December, raised $67,109 and had $52,940 in cash available at the end of the reporting period, his campaign said.

Those numbers were dwarfed by the figures revealed Friday by Perry and Strayhorn, the state comptroller. Both filed their official reports Tuesday with the Texas Ethics Commission.

Perry raised $4.6 million and had $11.5 million in cash on hand, while Strayhorn raised $2.4 million and had $8.1 million in cash. Independent candidate Kinky Friedman said he raised about $1 million in the six months, but spent most of it.

The only new numbers are from Democrats Chris Bell and Bob Gammage. Gammage raised $67k in two weeks, while Bell raised $356k in 6 months.

Be careful into reading too much into that though. Usually the early fundraising is the "low hanging fruit" of loyal friends and supporters.

Here is a compilation of the fundraising numbers.

Posted by Evan @ 01/17/06 04:33 PM


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