Friedman fundraising in Hollywood

Kinky Friedman is raising money out in California:

Friedman, who first rose to fame as the singer of satirical country songs in the 1970s, is making a two-hat trip to Los Angeles. At 5 p.m. today he holds a campaign "funraiser" at Lucy's El Adobe in Hollywood. And in a non-campaign appearance, Friedman dons his entertainer's hat at 8 p.m. Thursday to anchor an evening of reading, music and conversation as part of the Skirball Cultural Center's "From Haven to Home" series on the evolution of Jewish life in America.

The presentation will include music by former members of his band, the Texas Jewboys — Jeff "Little Jewford" Shelby and Lebanese American Jimmie "Ratso" Silman. "We feel," Friedman said, "we represent the last true hope for peace in the Middle East."


Friedman's campaign remains a longshot, but a recent Zogby poll placed Friedman third with 21% support, trailing Democratic challenger Chris Bell, a former congressman, with 25%, and incumbent Republican Rick Perry, with 42%.

It was a Zogby Interactive poll! INTERACTIVE. That means done online with people who choose to do polls.

Although the results are believable, I don't believe the media ought yet be quoting Zogby Interactive polls as normal polls without a serious disclaimer.

Posted by Evan @ 11/16/05 10:57 AM


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