David Dewhurst promises to campaign AFTER the election on the Matt Patrick show

Although David Dewhurst has avoided grassroots events for the entire campaign, Dewhurst yesterday told Matt Patrick that he wants to sit down with people after the election to "just talk."

Matt Patrick: When this is over with, whoever wins this thing....there's going to be a period of time when you or whoever wins this thing is going to have to go out and soothe some ruffled feathers.

David Dewhurst: Well um, I'd love an opportunity if anyone has ruffled, um...feelings...to let me sit down with you, your group. Uh, individually...larger groups. And...just talk.

So during the campaign, Dewhurst has avoided debates, candidate forums, Republican Women's clubs and Tea Party groups that invited him, yet he says he wants to sit down with those groups after the election?

That's a unique style of campaigning. "I'll ignore you during the election, but after the campaign is over, then I will really want to talk...promise!"

Posted by Evan @ 07/06/12 02:16 PM


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