Lamar! vs Big Bad John

Politico writes about how #2 Senate Republican Jon Kyl's decision to retire will likely pit John Cornyn vs Lamar Alexander in the race to succeed him.

Cornyn, now is in his second term running the National Republican Senatorial Committee, does not plan to run the influential Senate campaign group when he is up for reelection in the 2014 election cycle. Many on Capitol Hill believe that Cornyn would run for the No. 2 spot, and potentially be in a strong position to secure it if Republicans take back the majority in the 2012 elections.

But Alexander currently is the No. 3 Republican in Senate leadership, serving as chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, which gives him the responsibility of crafting the party’s message. Many GOP senators have praised Alexander's ability to stay on message and push back against the Democratic agenda, something that could help in a leadership race.

One of the most underestimated things by the Texas press is that Cornyn spent his first decade in office doing all the things necessary to win a race like this.

Posted by Evan @ 02/10/11 10:30 AM


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