Half-full or half-empty for Perry?

The news du jour for school finance is that Perry says he'll take compromise on school finance. Jay Root in the FWST:

With yet another legislative session teetering on the brink of failure, Gov. Rick Perry indicated Monday he would welcome a partial solution that includes new education funding now, even if Texans have to wait a little longer for property tax relief.

Perry was asked if he could support efforts to fund teacher pay raises and textbooks now and leave the more controversial reforms, including the complicated tax swap needed to grant property tax reductions, on the table for now.

"If you can get a half loaf versus a full loaf ... you generally take a slice or two if you can get that," Perry said. "We understand how this process plays out here."

He said lawmakers would have to face the wrath of the electorate if they don't provide tax relief to property owners right away. The primary elections are scheduled for March and the general election will be in November 2006.

"There's going to be an election in the not-too-distant future," Perry said. "We can either do it now or we will talk about it in March and November of 2006."

In the comments of a post at the always-excellent BlogHouston, Kevin Whited has an intriguing idea -- though I highly doubt a Democrat would try it:
I don't think [Chris Bell] can win, BUT wouldn't it be interesting if he had the intestinal fortitude to make the race truly interesting, and get to the right of Perry and Dewhurst on property taxes AND school finance?

He could run as more of a moderate than Perry on social issues, and try to frame Perry as beholden to the religious right for political survival (mind you, I'm not necessarily making that assessment of Perry, I'm just saying that's how I'd try to frame it if I were advising Bell).

The combination of getting to the right on fiscal issues and the middle on social issues might actually make the race interesting. But it's not going to happen.

Kevin's right. It's not gonna happen, but it would make the race interesting.

Posted by Evan @ 08/02/05 03:47 PM


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Whoops, you even caught my "Dehurst" typo, which I missed previously -- fixed now. :)

Posted by kevin whited @ 08/03/05 03:44 PM

We can fix that.

Posted by evan @ 08/03/05 05:14 PM

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