KBH's new ad

They're really in love with the scrolling road signs concept, aren't they?

Posted by Evan @ 01/15/10 01:59 PM


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Looks like according to polls and TV stations interviews KBH came out on top of the debates. She was able to use her experience to illustrate that Perry was a whiner.His inability to get rid of that arrogrance he displays is a definite negative. KBH was a cool operator. I believe that after talking with many Democrats there will be a lot of them cross over in the primary and vote for KBH. Some will vote for her in the general election against the Dem candidate(probably White). I don't think those same people whould help Perry against a Democrat. I think you will see her pull out ahead and even if the numbers are equal at election time she will have the cross-over vote to pull her through.

Posted by Packeryman @ 01/16/10 08:53 PM

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