1. Chron editorializes on gubernatorial race:
Even more disheartening for the Democrats [than Bell's fundraising] is the fact that the strongholds for Kinky's successful petition drive to get on the ballot as an independent are in normally Democratic neighborhoods in Austin and Houston. In order to win a plurality, Bell needs to carry those neighborhoods and hope that Perry and Strayhorn split the state's Republican majority.
2. Kirsch writes up Strayhorn's talk in Fort Worth. Lead:
Independent gubernatorial candidate Carole Keeton Strayhorn said Wednesday that she favors higher teacher salaries and cracking down on sexual predators.
3. Hutchison announces $1mil for test reactor at UT-Permian Basin. It's good to have a senator or two on Appropriations.
4. The Wright Amendment compromise has hit some procedural hurdles in the Senate. Democratic senators Leahy and Schumer have some concerns.
5. Sec. State Roger Williams reports that Friedman and Strayhorn had 140,542 and 120,514 valid signatures, respectively, up from 137,154 and 108,512.
6. Kelley Shannon of the AP gives some ink to famers' complaints about the Trans-Texas Corridor. I'm not exactly sure why this was current; maybe it was a slow news cycle for her.
Posted by Evan @ 07/21/06 07:58 PM
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