Your loving don't pay my bills

Money totals from the latest filing deadline:

Rick Perry -- $10 million cash on hand, $4.7 million raised, $6 million spent

Carole Keeton Strayhorn -- $8 million cash on hand, $3.1 million raised in six months, $3.1 million spent in 6 months.

Chris Bell -- $0.65 million cash on hand, $1.6 million raised in six months ($1.3 since end of Feb), spent $0.53 million since end of Feb.

Kinky Friedman -- $.49 million cash on hand, $1.5 million raised in six months, spent $1.2 million in six months

Here's Kelley Shannon's lead for the AP:

Republican Gov. Rick Perry revealed Monday he had more than $10 million in campaign cash entering the final four months of the Texas governor's race, putting him in a strong position against four challengers.
Perry's campaign reported raising $4.7 million since January, some in large chunks from wealthy individual donors and powerful political action committees.

Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn, an independent candidate and Perry's top rival in raising money, reported more than $8 million in cash on hand as of June 30, the end of the campaign finance report period. Some of her largest contributions came from wealthy trial lawyers who typically donate to Democrats.

Perry and Strayhorn have a healthy money advantage in the wild five-way governor's race that includes Democrat Chris Bell, independent candidate Kinky Friedman and Libertarian James Werner.

Posted by Evan @ 07/17/06 10:56 PM


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