David Dewhurst does not deserve re-election

Does David Dewhurst think so little of Texas Republicans that he won't try telling us the truth? Did he learn anything from his last loss?

If you'd have asked me six months ago who I would support in a hypothetical Patrick v Dewhurst runoff, I would have said Dewhurst. But Dewhurst continues to reach such new depths of pathetic that I can no longer say that.

Stop lying about your opponent. Dannie Goeb didn't become Dan Patrick "to cover [his] past, to cover his bankruptcy" as one Dewhurst ad claims. Goeb started using the name Dan Patrick years before his bankruptcy. Does Dewhurst think Republican primary voters are too dumb to realize this?

Stop concealing your record. You'd think Dewhurst was the second coming of Ronald Reagan based on his campaign claims. He's not. The Dew is the guy who ignored the grassroots for a decade while telling everyone in Austin how moderate he was. Even if only marginally so, his record is clearly and undebatably to the left of Patrick.

Stop hawking the same dumb tactic. Dewhurst trashed Ted Cruz with falsehoods at RealTedCruz.com. It bombed. Now he's doing the same thing with RealDanPatrick.com. Is Dewhurst trying to remind Texas Republicans of his nasty, dishonest and scurrilous attacks on Cruz?

Why can't Dewhurst actually run on issues? Over almost two decades now, we've never really seen a Dewhurst campaign for office that offered much more than pablum.

I have issues with Dan Patrick. But I can't brook Dewhurst's dishonesty.

Posted by Evan @ 05/14/14 11:03 PM


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