Hrbacek photoshop flap makes Politico

This is not the national news you want to make. The Politico:

This is from the "too weird to believe" files. The Houston Chronicle has a story today (hat tip to about Dean Hrbacek, a Republican hopeful in Texas 22nd District to take on Rep. Nick Lampson (D-Texas) that you just have to read.

The Chronicle reports that Hrbacek "appears slimmer than usual in a new campaign brochure because a photo of his head was affixed to the image of a different body."

It seems that Hrbacek was too busy to take an official photo so his campaign committee attached his head on another guy's body and used that new image for a campaign mailer. A slimmer, trimmer guy. For real.

I note that the folks over at CD22Watcher don't think this will affect Hrbacek much. I wonder whether they really believe that or whether it's something they want to believe.

Posted by Evan @ 01/23/08 05:36 PM


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