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AP, via DMN:

Democratic Senate candidate Rick Noriega's campaign reprimanded a staff member Wednesday for requesting information from U.S. Sen. John Cornyn's office by presenting himself as a blogger and giving a false name.

Noriega, a Houston state representative, is running for the Democratic nomination for the Senate seat held by Cornyn.

Rick Cofer, who has told reporters he is working on special projects for the Noriega campaign, was revealed as a caller presenting himself as a blogger named Jay Coxlie. Cofer apparently called Cornyn's Washington office on Tuesday seeking the schedule of Cornyn's public events, the Austin American-Statesman reported online.

That call occurred after a similar call earlier in the day in which the caller cut the call short, according to Cornyn's office.

A Cornyn aide figured out Cofer's identity by the number on caller ID. Another aide Googled the number and it came back to a listing for Cofer.

Posted by Evan @ 01/11/08 06:37 AM


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