Obama fires Hillary 1984 video creator

Hillary 1984 video author revealed:

The mystery creator of the Orwellian YouTube ad against Hillary Rodham Clinton is a Democratic operative who worked for a digital consulting firm with ties to rival Sen. Barack Obama. Philip de Vellis, a strategist with Blue State Digital, acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press that he was the creator of the video, which portrayed Clinton as a Big Brother figure and urged support for Obama's presidential campaign.

De Vellis said he resigned from the firm on Wednesday after he learned that he was about to be unmasked by the HuffingtonPost.com., a liberal news and opinion Internet site.

In a statement released Wednesday evening, the Obama campaign said:

"The Obama campaign and its employees had no knowledge and had nothing to do with the creation of the ad. We were notified this evening by a vendor of ours, Blue State Digital, that an employee of the company had been involved in the making of this ad. Blue State Digital has separated ties with this individual and we have been assured he did no work on our campaign's account."

How about a different kind of presidential campaign: one where the candidate doesn't fire people [who aren't even in his campaign!] for coming up with a fantastic and funny clip.

If Obama is so different, I'd have liked to see him reward the guy, even if only with a compliment. I guess he's afraid of being called 'negative' after the recent Geffen dustup.

Posted by Evan @ 03/21/07 11:59 PM


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De Vellis explored his creativity and expressed his freedom of speech at the same time.
I didn't see anything wrong with the Hillary 1984 video. In fact, it was kind of clever!. For me deserves more commendation than condemnation.
Watch the video http://www.isupportthismess...

Posted by Amy @ 03/22/07 01:50 PM

This is exactly the sort of minor thing that can become a major media scandal. Obama did well to distant himself from it quickly and without hesitation. Of course De Vellis should be recognized for his talents, but this obvious political/public firing only serves to further publicize his creation.

Posted by doormat9 @ 04/11/07 03:35 AM

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