Sorry for the lack of updates

I just haven't had time for the blog.

It's been quite a busy period, especially for this blog's named protagonist. I talked to my mom yesterday for the first time a couple weeks, and she was "hopping mad" about Perry's HPV vaccine order. For this sort of thing to reach my Mom -- who lives far away from Texas -- and anger her so...well, that's pretty impressive.

Posted by Evan @ 02/15/07 05:42 PM


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I posted this on a much older entry in this blog, but I thought I'd post it here as well so someone might actually see it at some relevant point -- the cervical cancer vaccine controversy has pretty much shot Perry's chances to be reelected in 2010 to hell, should he choose to be foolhardy enough to seek a third full term.

Posted by Bluer Would-Be-Texan @ 02/27/07 05:47 PM

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