Cornyn brings home grant money

From the Chron:

The Air Force has announced that it will administer a $1 million grant to the St. Mary's University Center for Terrorism Law to study states' protection of information about infrastructure and cyber security.

Funding for the study was included in the 2006 Defense Department appropriations bill, but it had been unclear who would administer the grant.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a St. Mary's law school graduate, praised Thursday's announcement. The Texas Republican helped secure funding for the grant. He has said it's wrong to assume that the study's purpose is to restrict government transparency.

Jeffrey Addicott, the grant's author and director of the Terrorism Law center, has said the study would examine open records laws around the country and outline best practices for restricting access to information about the nation's infrastructure in the name of protecting it from terrorist attacks.

Posted by Evan @ 09/26/06 01:18 AM


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