Hutchison denies ambassador rumor

Todd Gillman gets Senator Hutchison to deny the rumor that she's in line to be the next ambassador to Britain.

Choice Kay Bailey quotes:

"Is that the craziest thing you've ever heard?" she said, adding that she has no interest in the job.

"I am absolutely not interested, nor has anyone talked to me about it. This is manufactured – by that little fly on the ceiling there," she said, laughing again and looking up at the ornate tiling in the lobby off the Senate chamber.

A White House spokesman dismissed talk of a Hutchison appointment.

Ms. Hutchison said unequivocally that she will appear on the Texas ballot next year – though she remained coy as ever about whether she'll be running for re-election or taking on Gov. Rick Perry in the Republican primary. She has promised an announcement by late June.


"It's just crazy. It's totally out of the realm of possibility. I have never ... said I wanted anything, any appointment in this administration or any administration, I might add. That's just nuts," the senator said. "I'm not saying that it's malicious. Just, those things happen."

Posted by Evan @ 05/17/05 12:30 AM


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