Navarette on Van de Putte

Navarrette on Van de Putte:

Leticia Van de Putte is a career politician who has been in the Texas Legislature since 1990. And she still needs help from Eva Longoria to inform Latinos that she's one of them? Among other things, she has sided with teachers unions who oppose education reform over Latino parents who support it. Who has she been working for all this time? Not Latinos. Or they'd know who she is.

Who is Leticia Van de Putte? Vouched for by Eva Longoria and Howard Dean. Funded by a Latino PAC. Profiled by CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post. Unveiled, with great fanfare, to people she is already supposed to represent.

I'll play along. Hola, Leticia. Nice to meet you.

Wait, you mean the woman who chaired Barack Obama's DNC convention isn't the new chosen one to turn Texas blue? Shocker!

Posted by Evan @ 05/15/14 11:21 AM


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