Profile of John Poindexter

Remember the shots Comptroller Strayhorn took at Rick Perry when the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department nearly sold 46,000 acres of Big Bend State Park to John Poindexter?

Poindexter is still interested in buying the land, but says he'll wait until after the gubernatorial primary. Proponents say the Dept could use the proceeds to buy private pockets of land within park boundaries, while critics such as Comptroller Strayhorn thought the state should never sell parts of the park.

It's an interesting question, and a provoking profile of Mr. Poindexter. It sounds like he wants to be remembered for his passion for land, rather than business.

UPDATE: The Statesman also covers the story, with more details of the then-proposed transaction.

Posted by Evan @ 11/01/05 12:44 AM


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