CD17 coverage

"Top Democratic strategist sees incumbent Chet Edwards holding off GOP challenger Bill Flores in U.S. House District 17" is the headline for a DMN article with this lead:

The Democrat's top congressional strategist predicted this morning that two embattled Texas incumbents, Reps. Chet Edwards and Ciro Rodriguez, would win reelection on Nov. 2.

"These guys are battle-tested," said Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland , chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. "We see good prospects for both."

Considering that most independent political handicappers have Edwards losing, that's an awfully strange headline, and kinda strange to write an article based solely on partisan cheerleading. Maybe Edwards will prevail with his own October Surprise, but it will definitely require coming from behind in a tough environment when some people have already voted.

UPDATE: By comparison, Chris Cilizza's article on the same events at is headlined, "Sessions says 95-100 seats in play, GOP 'well ahead' in 40-plus districts; Van Hollen laments unprepared incumbents."

Posted by Evan @ 10/21/10 04:54 PM


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