"Expect low blows, high volume from Perry, Hutchison"

Christy Hoppe in the DMN:

The contact sport of Texas politics is about to evolve from its easy comparison to gridiron contests of hard-hitting marches toward goal lines. No, football is played with pads.

This governor's race has all the feel of NASCAR and kick-boxing: fast, furious and brutal.

Two of the state's Republican titans have been slugging it out for months in the heated primary, but now starts the final laps, the determining rounds.

I have actually not found the governor's race to be as heated as expected. Maybe that says something about my expectations, I don't know.

But anyway, moving on:

The circus is definitely coming to town," said veteran Democratic consultant Jason Stanford. "This will be great for us all to watch."
I appreciate that we as readers are informed that Stanford is a Democratic consultant. It is probably worth noting that, as a Democrat, Stanford has a vested interest in promoting the "yes, very bitter primary angle."

And then, apropos of nothing:

Tension is inevitable, and the fallout is unpredictable. "When Sarah Palin comes to town, the level of discourse doesn't usually rise," Stanford said.
I think we all know that anyone who works for newspapers doesn't like Sarah Palin. I couldn't discern another reason for this.

Anyway, you're here, so you already knew that this is a real race, with real consequences. Campaigns will attempt to make their case in whatever way possible that is allowed by the voters. I wouldn't say that's ideal, but it is reality.

Posted by Evan @ 01/04/10 01:13 AM


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